🦸‍♀️ Supermoms, unite!

The approach to attracting female talent is shifting.

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Today’s edition is a 3-minute read. Here’s what to expect👇

🗞️ Women working more than ever
🌎️Greece tried 6-day work week
💰️SHRM adjusting DEI guidance
💻 TA roles at TikTok, Spectrum
💼Layoffs at Salesforce, Spotify

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One Thing You Should Know This Week
WSJ: More Women Are Working Than Ever. But They’re Doing Two Jobs.

This week, the Wall Street Journalreported that while more women in America are working than ever before, they are often juggling the demands of childcare and working from home.

👉️Why this matters.
It’s exacerbating an already stark gender divide in the United States, with just 77.9% of working-age women (i.e. ages 25-54) in the workforce, compared to nearly 90% of men of the same age.

💰️Cost of care.
Despite a considerable rise in remote opportunities thanks to the COVID pandemic, childcare remains a huge cost for American families. American couples spend on average 30-35% of their combined income on childcare, according to the World Economic Forum. This, in turn, causes many parents to work from home and juggle childcare at the same time (or drop out of the workforce entirely).

🤔A unique challenge.
In almost every other developed nation, childcare is partially or fully subsidized by the GDP. But here in the U.S, it is considered a private responsibility.

🧮By the numbers.
There are 1.9 million more prime-age women in the labor force today compared to 2019. And it seems the lack of subsidized childcare is keeping millions out of the workforce: 68.9% of women with children under 6 were in the labor force in 2022 (this has grown a little over 2% from 2019).

💬Moms FTW!
“Employers are recognizing they don’t want to lose the value moms can contribute,” said Misty Heggeness, an economist at the University of Kansas. “There’s been a lot more allowance and tolerance for some of these alternative work arrangements, and moms have really benefited from it—and so has the economy.”

💼What this means for TAs.
Well, did you hear what Misty said?! Companies should continue recognizing the challenges working mothers face and offer flexible work arrangements to retain them—and TAs need to advocate for this in order to attract and retain top talent. Think subsidies, on-site daycare, or just a little more understanding when Zoom calls or candidate interviews get photobombed by toddlers.

📥️ Read more from The Wall Street Journal


Numbers That’ll Make You Think

  • 25% — The percentage of current software design tasks that generative AI will be able to augment or replace, according to a new report (SIA)

  • 4.1% — The median pay raise in America, down from 4.5% in 2023, according to a new budget-planning report (SIA)

  • 6 — The new number of workdays in a Greek workweek for some workers, in a government-backed effort intended to help with the country’s skilled-labor shortage (HR Brew)

  • 5 — The new number of in-person workdays city employees in Philly must be in the office, the Mayor announced (LinkedIn)

  • 99% — The percentage of jobs at Verizon that don’t require a college degree, according to the company (CNBC)

  • 2.2% — The quit rate for U.S. jobs, holding steady and defying expectations (CNN)


M&A Deals, Industry Moves, & Other Things To Know

  • IT staffing provider Sondhi Solutions said it will rebrand to a new company called Exos (SIA)

  • Billionaire CEO Elon Musk's announced that he’s moving SpaceX's headquarters out of California, a move that has sparked a talent frenzy among other space firms to attract employees who don’t want to relocate (Bloomberg)

  • A new report shows that AI is playing an outsized role in recent tech sector job cuts (Pymts)

  • HR industry group SHRM announced last week that it dropped the word "equity" from its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy, as many companies are rethinking, changing or abandoning DEI work (Axios)

  • Construction company Caterpillar has drawn major complaints of labor abuses at one of its Mexico factories (NYT)

  • Nurse staffing firm IntelyCare said Matthew Levesque will become its new CEO (Staffing Industry)

  • Healthcare staffing firm Fusion promoted Jenna Berg to chief operating officer (SIA)

  • Gig-work staffing firm OCN said it has raised $86 million to expand its operations (Pymnts)

  • British banking giant Lloyds is reportedly telling staff to reduce their use of taxis and business class flights in an effort to reduce expenses (Pymts)


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​​Talent Collective is more than just an organization—it's a dynamic community empowering and connecting women in the talent acquisition profession.

Our mission is to propel our members' careers and expand their recruiting networks through thoughtfully curated in-person and virtual experiences. With over 400 members worldwide we support women virtually and in major cities including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Orange County, Seattle, Denver, NewYork, SanDiego, Austin, Chicago, and Toronto.

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Jobs You Might Want (For Yourself!)

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Places For You To Source Fresh Talent

  • Conversational AI platform On has laid off all of its estimated 60 staff members after allegedly discovering that $11 million in cash was missing (VentureBeat)

  • Tech giant Salesforce said it will cut 300 jobs in the latest sign of tech austerity (Bloomberg)

  • Streaming service Spotify said it will eliminate 40 positions from its ad sales team (AdAge)

  • Software giant Microsoft said it will lay off its entire DEI team, citing how DEI is “no longer business critical” (Business Insider)

  • Renewable energy company Solar Edge will cut 8.5% of its workforce, or around 400 jobs (CTech)

  • Manufacturing company John Deere will axe 345 jobs from its Waterloo manufacturing plant due to “reduced demand” (AgWeb)


Test Your TA Knowledge

Billionaire CEO Elon Musk this week announced he will be moving the corporate headquarters for SpaceX to which U.S. city?

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